How to use Digg to get Traffic

"Digg is a very popular social bookmarking site which if used properly brings a lot of traffic constantly to your blog"

Many people make a mistake of just sharing their blog postson digg and then they check their profile to know how many diggs they got for their story which leads to disappointment because it is just 1 which they do it them self. So if you are doing the above mentioned things then stop doing this from today. Follow these simple steps which will change the results

1. Complete your profile on digg because it is the only wat by which people will know who you really are. Upload an eye catching avatar to your profile and add some links to your profile like you can add follow me on twitter link and your blog's link.

2. Add Friends: After all Digg is not just a social bookmarking site, You should build a network there. Add a lot of friends and share your stuff with them. One thing more, Make a habbit of digging your friends' stories. If you have to get some you have to give some.
3. Shout: Digg has a very useful feature called 'shout' it helps to spread your syory among your friends and to avoid spam digg alows you to shout to just 100 friends at a time. Choose your best stories only because extensive use of this feature might lead to ban.

4. Comment: Comment on your friends' stories so as to make your friends feel your prescence.

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