Increase your site/blog page rank

The following tips won’t guarantee an instant increase in your PageRank overnight but it will help:

  1. Exchange links with other sites

    When conducting a link exchange, try to look for pages that have good PageRank such as 4 and above - preferably better than yours.

    Notice that I didn’t say look for sites that have good PageRank. One misconception is that a PageRank value applies to the whole site. A PageRank value is actually assigned on a page-by-page basis. Different pages on a site have different PageRank value.

    While the number of pages linking to you will have an impact on your overall PageRank, the PageRank value of those pages linking to it is more important than the number itself.

    Ideally you should look to trade links with pages having the least links possible especially if they have low PageRank values. This ensures each link has a bigger share of the page’s Google juice.

  2. Improve the internal linking in your site

    It’s important that you organize your own site linking structure properly to improve their PageRank. Link your homepage, which usually has the highest PageRank, to other pages on your site. This can be done easily by having a clickable logo at the top left of each page on your site that links to your homepage for example.

    Try to minimize the number of links to external sites on your pages. While this seems a little selfish, more Google juice will be transmitted to your internal pages instead of having to spread it across other sites.

    If you are conducting a link exchange, I would recommend creating a dedicated links page containing links to other sites instead of placing everything under your Blogroll.

  3. Update you site/blog frequently with good content.

    Keep on adding new content and good quality articles into your blog. With good quality content, other bloggers will only be happy to link to your pages. If these pages are linked to your homepage, it will enjoy some PageRank boost in the long run too.

    Contrary to what some may believe, I think writing ‘pay per post’ frequently in your blog could be detrimental to its PageRank in the long run. When you are adding a new page, you are not only spreading your PageRank amongst your internal pages but it’s spread across the external site as well. This is bad because instead of voting for your own pages, your vote goes to the external site. As a result, your internal pages will have a smaller share of your own Google juice.

    Unless you could write something really useful in your review, it’s unlikely that others will find your pay per post worth linking to from their blog.

  4. Buy text link ads.

    You could buy text links from other high PR sites or blog. This is perhaps one of the fastest ways one could increase his/her PageRank.

    However, a recent development in how Google views paid links as possible spam demands that one should approach this avenue more carefully.

    Google suspects that some of these linking schemes are setup to the game search engines.

  5. Offer free stuff

    You could offer free blog templates and include a link to your hompage in the footer of the templates. So, each time someone uses your template, you’ll get a free vote from them.

    The sheer number of pages linking to you could improve your PageRank tremendously. One good example is the PHPBB site which offers a free forum software. With close to 2 million pages linking to their homepage, it’s no wonder why homepage has a PageRank 9.

Despite what I said above about the importance of Google PageRank, it’s not the only factor that could make or break your website.

Instead of worrying about your Google PageRank, you should spend more time on creating rich content and improve the users’ experience in your site/blog.

Ask yourself if your site offers any value to your visitors. If it does, your PageRank value will naturally improve in the long run.


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